Happy New Years Everybody!

Well the holidays are finally over!! I had the best Christmas ever. I got so much stuff for my kiddos, they got to open about 25 things a piece. It was a blast, I wanted to go all out for Christmas this year so I started buying stuff in October! I am SO glad it is over though. I can only handle so much festivities before I am done.

There is only 3 more days left of 2013 and I am super stoked about that too! I always get really excited when a new year is approaching because that means that you get another shot of doing everything you want to do in the sight of a year. I, ofcourse, have many resolutions for the new year. I am not going to list them all but a couple of my big ones are getting on cam atleast 3 days a week and just keeping my hustle going hard.

I have been having a blast with my clip stores now that I have turned them into my main income. Each month my check gets higher and higher and I freaking love. I think my calling in life was to make awesome fetish clips, I am just so good at it! I am so close to breaking an all time sales high for the month of December and that’s definitely just what I needed to end the year on a good note.

I haven’t been around much on Twitter or Tumblr since before Christmas but I wanted to take a mini vacation to rest my mind and body. I have been working straight through the weeks since September and I definitely needed a good break. I feel so recharged and energized now and I will be back full force for January!

I hope all of you have had a great Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate and that the year turned out just how you wanted it to. If not, there is always 2014!

I am going to get back to my Angry Birds for the PS3 marathon and relax the rest of the weekend before I start working again on Monday.

XOXO, Kristi

Check me out on my sexy OnlyFans!
Email me for custom videos kinkykristi@gmail.com

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