Clean My Hairy Pits, Loser

OMG you are a total perv. I totally caught you checking me out and it’s so disgusting! Where do you get off thinking that such a loser like you can look at such a perfect Princess like me? I bet you are going to wish you never looked at me today because I am hiding a dirty little secret under my sweet appearance. Yes, you didn’t know that I never shave my armpits, I don’t wear deoderant, and I sweat A LOT! Haha loser, that’s pretty gross, huh? Yes it is and I am going to use my nasty armpits to punish you just the way a pervy loser should be punished. You are going to clean my hairy stinky pits clean with your tongue. Yep loser, those gross pits are all yours today so get to it. There is a lot of sweat and stink to lick off. This video is in 1280×720 high definition.

Runtime: 5:37 minutes.

You’ll like this video if you enjoy: Sexy humiliatrix Kristi makes you clean her sweaty hairy armpits like a loser! Bow down and worship Goddess Kristi’s sweaty stinky armpits, lick those sweaty pits with your tongue, loser!

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