Done…. again? Maybe but probably not.

So if you read my last post you know that I was busy repainting my house and doing various things that needed to be done. I thought I was finished and I was for about 2 days until I found more stuff to spend my time and money on. I’ve lived in this house for 5 years this November and the last time I updated furniture or paint or anything was before we moved in so it was definitely time for a make over.

I am super stoked because I finally AM done with my little DIY projects for a while. I feel great that I accomplished so much!

I totally repainted the house inside of the house in awesome colors. I also bought almost all new furniture throughout the house (totally needed new living room furniture, the rest was a splurge). I assisted in building my back porch and I also bought my kids a huge wooden swing set/ play fort and I actually put almost the whole thing together myself. I had help with the frame and floor and the swing beam and I did the rest completely by myself! I am pretty proud of myself. I have experience in lots of little DIY stuff but I never built something that big before.

For all of my hard sweat equity that I have been putting into the house I decided to reward myself with a few new things as well. First, I bought an awesome pair of Coach sunglasses that I have been eyeing for a while. Then I got DirecTV to upgrade my whole house to HD since I have really been wanting it for a while. And last but not least, I bought myself a new life like dildo that I just absolutely *love*. Yes, see I am a totally naughty girl and I reward myself by buying dildos to shove in my pussy.

I get to take a nice long break from labor intensive activities until January which is when I will be doing a whole backyard makeover! I am super stoked for this one and a bit nervous because it is a physically big project and also one that is going to cost several thousand dollars and I am going to be doing it 90% myself. I am going to put in this huge curvy patio area that curves across the yard into another big round patio with pergola over it. I am also putting in big curving sidewalks over to the shed and dog kennels. I am also going to somehow incorporate big plant areas inside of the paved areas. Like if you ever watch the HGTV channel where they do the backyard crashes and totally pimp out someones backyard? Yeah I am totally doing that. I am very excited but I have to wait until it cools down. I about killed myself putting together that damn playset in the 100+ degree Texas sun. I let myself get burnt and I have this completely stupid huge tank top tan line on my back and shoulders.

So I figure if I bust ass on the backyard I can get it done by April for my baby’s first birthday party. That’s giving me about 3 months to do it. I know it seems like a long time but I have to manage my time between my work, 3 kids, and the house so basically I get to spend about 4 hours a day on it.

Anyways, I suppose I am rambling now so I will have to post later when I can get my thoughts together! Peace, peeps!

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