This is another topic of my blog challenge.
“Your biggest regret in life”
I only have one regret in my life and it’s not saving more of the money I made. I have made so much money over the past 10 years and spent just about every bit of it to and I kick my self in the ass for not saving more. Sure I own 2 houses, property, cars, and tons of other material shit but I wish I would have been a little more frugal with my money. If I would have saved every penny I made in the past 10 years, I’d be a millionaire… yes, seriously. I’ve learned from my mistake and I have cut down my spending by A LOT and that makes me happy to see my bank account go up by so much and not seeing it dwindle away.
This is another blog challenge topic:
“Weird things you do when you’re alone”
I shake my ass while I’m cleaning my house.
I talk to my dog like she’s a baby just to piss her off.
I talk shit to my cat because I don’t like her because she likes to piss in my laundry.
I have full interesting conversations… with myself.
I put on the most absolute whorish make up ever then get made when I have to leave the house looking like I just got out of the strip club.
I squeeze and jiggle my belly fat because I like the way it feels.
That’s about it… I don’t do much weird stuff I guess.
This is another blog challenge post:
“What were your favorite childhood toys”
Ok so I am a total dork but my all time favorite toy as a child was definitely TROLL DOLLS! OMG yes I must have had 100 of those damn nappy head dolls. I loved them so much, I had names for all of them and I had a huge table dedicated to nothing but my troll dolls. I would arrange them just right and would get so pissed when the cats would jump up there and knock them down.
My other favorite childhood toy was a magnifying glass. Yup. I remember having so much fun with this huge magnifying glass I got from somewhere, not sure where I go that from actually. I learned that if you held it just right with the sun coming through it that you could catch shit on fire and once I figured that out I had tons of fun! I never did anything destructive with it but I had a lot of fun catching little piles of leaves on fire, burning my old books, etc etc. Yup, I was a weird child.
This is another issue of my blog challenge:
How important do I think education is? It depends on what you want to do with your life. Honestly I don’t think a formal education is that important at all. Sure if you want to be a doctor or lawyer it is but anybody can succeed and be successful in life with no education whatsoever. I speak from personal experience. I am a high school and college drop out and I am very successful. My husband is also a high school and college drop out and he is also very successful. Combined he and I own 3 seperate successful businesses and neither one of us has a formal education. These days an education doesn’t mean anything. Just because you drop 100k on a college diploma doesn’t mean shit and it certainly doesn’t mean you are going to get a job. Out of all of my friends, I gross the most per year (almost double what they make) and I am the ONLY one that did not go to college. Point made.
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I’d be a mothafucking bird so I could shit on people when they least expect it.
This is a good one! I am already living out my dream job. If you would have asked me over 10 years ago if I ever thought I would be getting naked on the internet for cash I would have said “fuck yeah bitches.” Seriously though… I’ve been doing what I do for almost 10 years now and I absolutely love it. I have been through many changes in my online porn career. I started out as a pay to play camgirl in the yahoo chat rooms (seriously, I feel like a dinosaur saying that… you young camgirls have no idea of what I am talking about). I cammed exclusively for a year or so before I started venturing out into making clips and having a pay site. I kept going along doing vanilla style porn until I realized that I just don’t like vanilla porn…at all. I started dabbling in fetishes and I soon realized that I absolutely love fetishes. So that’s when I changed my direction from just being a hot chick with nudes to being a seriously hot twisted chick with a filthy mind and a love of fetishes and that’s what made me into what I am today. I love this job and I don’t ever see myself quitting. Yes I work insanely long hard hours, probably more than most people would ever dream about working, but I love it and it has made me the successful woman I am today.
Today’s blog topic is fun because I am always day dreaming about this. Sometime in the near future I will be moving out of Texas to a new beautiful forever home and I hope it is everything I have always pictured.
I want to wake up and get out of bed. I want to walk to my kitchen to get some coffee but I stop at the fireplace first and stoke the fire to warm up the house. I make my coffee and walk out on my huge porch and marvel at the elk standing in the snow behind my house. Later that day my family and I get on our 4 wheelers and go tear up the mud hole we built just for this purpose then we go sit next to the river and catch tonight’s dinner. That night after we pig out on fresh fish, we sit around the fireplace with the huge TV mounted above it and watch Netflix. Yup, that’s a day in my dream life! I’m a simple girl.
That is the blog topic of the day. I saw this topic and just had to use it because I seriously thought I was the only one that did this. Not sure where I heard this before but it has stuck with me for as long as I can remember. I have this weird knack for randomly looking at the clock at 11:11 am and pm almost everyday and I always wish for something. It’s usually just to successfully finish whatever goal I am working on or for something good to happen. It usually always happens so I haven’t quit doing it yet 🙂 Yes I am weird like that.
Do you make a wish at 11:11?